Právněhistorické studie / Legal History Studies (Charles University journal; below referred to as PHS or Journal) is a scientific journal listed in the international prestigious database SCOPUS. The journal is published by Charles University in Prague under the guarantee of the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. It is published by the Karolinum Press. The journal focuses on the field of legal history and related topics.

Issue 1 of the Journal was published by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publishing in June 1955. The Journal was initially published by the Cabinet of Legal History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science (CSAV), later by the Institute of State and Law (CSAV) and then by the Institute of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.

PHS is issued three times a year in April, August, and December and it presents original scientific works/papers as well as reviews, annotations and news from the scientific field of legal history. It also introduces annotated texts of a legal history nature. PHS accepts manuscripts from domestic as well as foreign authors. Manuscripts submitted by foreign authors are published in original language, namely in English, Slovak, German, French, Italian or Polish.

PHS (ISSN 0079-4929) is registered in the Czech national ISSN centre (supervised by the State Technical Library). The Journal is registered by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic according to Act No. 46/2000 Sb., on Rights and Liabilities for the Publishing of Periodicals and Change of Some Acts (Press Act), and it is allocated with registration number of periodical press MK E 18813.

PHS is an open journal and ensures open access to scientific data (Open Access). The entire content is released as open to the public on the web pages of the journal.

The journal is archived in Portico.

PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, Vol 48 No 2 (2018), 47–55

USA vs. Henry Wirz – Kontroverzní počátek novodobých procesů s válečnými zločinci

[USA vs. Henry Wirz: The Controversial Beginning of the War Crimes Trials in the Modern Era]

Jan Beránek

published online: 11. 01. 2019


The aim of this article is to give a brief summary of the trial of confederate captain Henry Wirz in the aftermath of the American Civil War. In the first chapter the article deals with the first attempts to prosecute war criminals. The second chapter tries to analyze the so-called Lieber’s Code – one of the first legislation, which codified the customs of war – and the person of Francis Lieber, the author of this legislation. In the third and fourth chapter, the author describes the person of Captain Henry Wirz, the conditions in prison camp Andersonville and the subsequent trial. It addresses the most controversial parts of the famous trial and tries to discuss all angles of the proceedings. Finally, the last chapter analyzes the impact of the trial in the USA and also describes other trials, which were influenced by the aforementioned trial.

keywords: Henry Wirz; Lieber Code; war crimes; American Civil War; Andersonville; prison camp

references (28)

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Creative Commons License
USA vs. Henry Wirz – Kontroverzní počátek novodobých procesů s válečnými zločinci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

240 x 170 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 250 czk
ISSN: 0079-4929
E-ISSN: 2464-689X
