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Úvod do husovských dilemat

Úvod do husovských dilemat

Historie a teologie

[An Introduction to Hus' Dilemmas]

Pospíšil, Ctirad V.

subjects: history, religion

paperback, 400 pp., 1. edition
published: december 2020
ISBN: 978-80-246-4684-8
recommended price: 450 czk



The publication of the book marks the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the birth of the great Czech reformer. The earlier publication, Hus' Dilemmas (2015), serves as the theoretical foundations of this book. It is the first comprehensive introduction to the Hus theme, covering the entire thematic breadth of the subject (contemporary context, Wycliffe's philosophy and its reception in the Czech lands, Hus's life and posthumous legacy, his conception of the Eucharist and the Church, Christology, soteriology, Trinitarian theology, creation theology, eschatology and Mariology). The book is relevant for theologians, but also for historians and those yet concerned by the "Czech question".