Laughable Loves
Kundera Milan
This collection contains stories about the sport of love - Don Juanism, ageing, male and female powe...
Zneuznávané dědictví Cervantesovo
Kundera Milan
Po úspěšném svazku Můj Janáček vycházejí pod názvem Zneuznávané dědictví ...
Nechovejte se tu jako doma, příteli
Kundera Milan
Svazek obsahuje dva eseje Milana Kundery: Kdo je to romanopisec (z knihy ...
Kundera Milan
Milan Kundera's sixth novel springs from a casual gesture of a woman to her swimming instructor, a g...
Book of Laughter and Forgetting
Kundera Milan
Kundera whirls through comedy and tragedy towards his central question: h...
Kundera Milan
Readers are taken through a midsummer's night in which two tales of seduction, separated by more tha...
Life is elsewhere
Kundera Milan
A budding poet and his adoring mother are the central characters of this early novel.