All This Could Be Different
Mathews Sarah Thankam
This is a novel about being young in the 21st century. About being called a ‘rockstar' by your boss...
Number Go Up. Inside Crypto's Wild Rise and Staggering Fall
Faux Zeke
In 2021, cryptocurrency goes mainstream. Giant investment funds are buyin...
The Chain
Suleyman Chimene
A memoir exposing one man's control over many women, an exploration of the trauma he left behind and...
The Good Germans. Resisting the Nazis 1933-1945
Clay Catrine
After 1933, as the brutal terror regime took hold, most of the two-thirds...
War and Punishment
Zygar Mikhail
'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas...
The Map of Salt and Stars
Joukhadar Jennifer Zeynab
In 2011, the peace of the Syrian city of Homs is disturbed by protests and shelling. A young girl, N...
The Book of Humans : The Story of How We Became Us
Rutherford Adam
WHAT MAKES US HUMAN? Waging war? Sex for pleasure? Creating art? Mastery ...
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived
Rutherford Adam
A dazzling tour of the latest genetic discoveries which are blurring the ...