Full Spectrum. Fifty Years of Collecting Photography
The Moravia Gallery in Brno
Dufek Antonín - Pátek Jiří - Trnková Petra
Moravská galerie v Brně 2012
brožovaná, 552 str.
ISBN 9788074370663
This book on the photographic collection of the Moravian Gallery in Brno contains a cross-section of the best that two generations of curators have succeeded in putting together over the past fifty years. It takes the reader on a tour through the small universe of the collection, with examples of photographs covering nearly the entire history of the medium's existence, and with texts that familiarize the reader with the reasons for and circumstances of its founding.
Through more than 500 reproductions, the book captures the history of photography from 1841 to 2005.
Through more than 500 reproductions, the book captures the history of photography from 1841 to 2005.