Na kohouta si vyskočím
Historie kola v Čechách 1817-1918/ The History of the Bicycle in Bohemia 1817.1918
Králík Jan
Robert Štěrba, spol. s.r.o 2022
vázaná, 408 str.
ISBN 9788011009526
Rukopis historie kola v Čechách vznikal déle než dvacet let. Nikoli proto, že by to byla práce tak klopotná, ale proto, že byla radostná a autor si ji užíval. V nejlepším obvykle přestal a těšil se, jak si k ní po čase zase s chutí sedne. Jenže každá zábava jednou skončí. Stalo se v srpnu 2021. Je čas lehnout si do trávy a vzpomínat na Draise, Michauxe, Crowla, Schulze, Kohouty, Vondřicha, Erlebacha, Vejtrubu, Nikodema, Cífku, Vodílka a všechny ostatní, kteří stáli u toho. Přišla chvilka na krátký odpočinek. Pokud si jej dopřejete s touto knížkou, nebyla autorova snaha marná.
The manuscript of the history of the bicycle in Bohemia was written over more than twenty years. Not because it was so laborious, but because it was joyful and the author enjoyed it. At the best of times he usually stopped and looked forward to sitting down to it again with pleasure. But all fun comes to an end and it happened in August 2021. It's time to lie down in the grass and remember Drais, Michaux, Crowl, Schulz, Kohout, Vondřich, Erlebach, Vejtruba, Nikodem, Cífka, Vodílek and all the others who were there. It is time for a rest. If you indulge in it with this book, the author's efforts have not been in vain.
The manuscript of the history of the bicycle in Bohemia was written over more than twenty years. Not because it was so laborious, but because it was joyful and the author enjoyed it. At the best of times he usually stopped and looked forward to sitting down to it again with pleasure. But all fun comes to an end and it happened in August 2021. It's time to lie down in the grass and remember Drais, Michaux, Crowl, Schulz, Kohout, Vondřich, Erlebach, Vejtruba, Nikodem, Cífka, Vodílek and all the others who were there. It is time for a rest. If you indulge in it with this book, the author's efforts have not been in vain.