Pohádkové ilustrace Hanuše Schwaigera
The Fairy Tale Illustrations of Hanuš Schwaiger
Dlábková Markéta
Národní galerie v Praze 2024
;32 str.
ISBN 9788070358603
V díle Hanuše Schwaigera hraje pohádková tématika jednu z hlavních rolí; ve svých kresbách a obrazech často vytvářel vlastní znepokojivý svět na hranici reality a snu. Opakovaně se vracel k tématu vodníka, krysaře nebo Krakonoše. Publikace, doprovázející stejnojmenný kabinet NG, představí jak některá z těchto děl, tak zejména ilustrace určené pro knižní vydání. Roku 1885 Schwaiger ilustroval Pohádkové album nakladatele Aloise Wiesnera, o čtyři roky později pak pro téhož nakladatele vytvořil pět ilustrací Nových pohádek Josefa Košína z Radostova. V roce 1903 byl autorem ilustrací i grafického konceptu knihy pohádek O hastrmanovi, kterou napsala jeho manželka Josefína. Publikace zasadí Schwaigerovy kresby do širšího kontextu dobové tvorby s pohádkovými náměty.
In Hanuš Schwaiger's art, the fairytale subject plays a key role; in his illustrations and paintings, he often created his own unsettling world that hovers on the borderline between reality and dream. He repeatedly explored themes such as the water goblin, rat-catcher, or the mountain spirit Rübezahl (Krakonoš). The booklet accompanying the art cabinet display if the same name will examine some of these works and especially illustrations intended for book editions. In 1885 Schwaiger illustrated the Fairytale Album (Pohádkové album) printed by the publisher Alois Wiesner. Four years later, he produced for the same publisher five illustrations for The New Fairytales (Nové pohádky) written by Josef Košín of Radostov. In 1903 he made illustrations and graphic design for the book of tales The Water Goblin (O hastrmanovi), penned by his wife Josefína. The booklet will place Schweiger's drawing into the broader context of fairytale-themed literature of the period.
In Hanuš Schwaiger's art, the fairytale subject plays a key role; in his illustrations and paintings, he often created his own unsettling world that hovers on the borderline between reality and dream. He repeatedly explored themes such as the water goblin, rat-catcher, or the mountain spirit Rübezahl (Krakonoš). The booklet accompanying the art cabinet display if the same name will examine some of these works and especially illustrations intended for book editions. In 1885 Schwaiger illustrated the Fairytale Album (Pohádkové album) printed by the publisher Alois Wiesner. Four years later, he produced for the same publisher five illustrations for The New Fairytales (Nové pohádky) written by Josef Košín of Radostov. In 1903 he made illustrations and graphic design for the book of tales The Water Goblin (O hastrmanovi), penned by his wife Josefína. The booklet will place Schweiger's drawing into the broader context of fairytale-themed literature of the period.