Genghis Khan
Jackson Jake (ed.)
The story behind the mythic brutality of Genghis Kahn, one of the most successful leaders in human h...
Die böhmischen Länder zur Zeit der Přemysliden
Kuthan Jiří
Německý překlad knihy Dílo knížat a králů z rodu Přemyslovců Počátky č...
Late Bloomer
Eddings Mazey
Mazey Eddings' signature sparkling voice shines through in this sexy, sapphic, opposites-attract rom...
Divorced (Not Dead)
Ford Harper
Meet Frankie: fifty, divorced and getting back on the horse. After leaving Twatface - her husband...
Greek & Roman Myths
Jackson Jake
The classical gods of Rome uncoiled from the fertile imaginations of the ancient Greeks whose gods w...
The Mystical Corridor
Ježková Alena
Charles Bridge in Prague is guarded by thirty stone statues and sculptural groups. Most of them repr...
Michel Foucault
Eribon Didier
A sa parution en 1989, cinq ans apres la mort de Foucault, cette biographie fut internationalement s...
Das Palais Lobkowicz
Künne Andreas - Salfellner Harald
"Přišli jsme za vámi, abychom vám sdělili, že vaše vycestování dnes bylo umožněno." S touto pro tisí...
La Vita Nuova. Love Poems
Dante Alighieri
In La Vita Nuova, Italy's greatest poet recounts the famous story of his passionate love for Beatric...
It Ends With Us
Hoover Colleen
Lily hasn't always had it easy, but that's never stopped her from working hard for the life she want...
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store
McBride James
In 1972, when workers in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, were digging the founda...
Walton Calder
The riveting story of the hundred-year intelligence war between Russia and the West with lessons for...
From Laughter to Forgetting
Říhová Zuzana (ed.)
A comprehensive reader on the Czech literary avant-garde. This book offers a wide-ranging select...
Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art
Zich Otakar
Otakar Zich’s Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art. Theoretical Dramaturgy
L'Amant de la Chine du Nord
Duras Marguerite
Le Chinois et l'adolescente. Le dernier avatar des amours indochinoises d'une auteure douée pour les...