The Jungle Book
Kipling Rudyard
Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable hardback editions of some of the best-loved clas...
Joyce James
James Joyce's first published book, which he wrote when he was still in his twenties, Dubliners is f...
R.U.R. (hard cover)
Čapek Karel
R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) (Czech: Rossumovi univerzální roboti) is a science fiction play o...
The Running Grave
Galbraith Robert
Private Detective Cormoran Strike is contacted by a worried father whose son, Will, has gone to join...
Darkness Visible
Styron William
This is a story of depression a condition that reduced William Styron from a person enjoying life an...
The Spy and the Traitor
Macintyre Ben
A thrilling Cold War story about a KGB double agent, by one of Britain's greatest historians - now w...
An Education in Malice
Gibson S. T.
Sumptuous and addictive, An Education in Malice is a dark academia tale of blood, secrets and insati...
Shepperson Laura
In Athens, crowds flock to witness the most shocking trial of the ancient world. The royal family is...
How The World Really Works
Smil Václav
We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world ...
Ain´t I A Woman?
Truth Sojourner
'I am a woman's rights. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man d...
An Advertisement for Toothpaste
Kapuscinski Ruszard
'Like rotting stakes in a forest clearing' The great journalist of confli...
A Modern Detective
Poe Edgar Allan
He is fond of enigmas, of conundrums, hieroglyphics; exhibiting in his solutions of each a degree of...
A Terrible Beauty is Born
Yeats William Buttler
'But I, being poor, have only my dreams; / I have spread my dreams under your feet...'By turns joyfu...
The Gulag Archipelago
Solzhenitsyn Aleksander
Solzhenitsyn spent eleven years in labour camps and in exile... This book is his masterwork, base...