The Epic of Gilgamesh
The ancient Sumerian poem The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest written stories in existence, t...
Simply Philosophy
A clear, simple, graphic-led introduction to philosophy. Are you short of time but hungry for knowle...
Praha pod vodou/ Prague Underwater
Reprezentativní obrazová publikace obsahující na 200 fotografií od 44 aut...
And My Head Exploded
Tales of desire, delirium and decadence from fin-de-siecle Prague. Short stories written by Julius Z...
Like a Thief an Broad Daylight
Žížek Slavoj
In our brave new world of Big Tech, work is automated and money melts int...
The Parallax View
Žižek Slavoj
In Žižek's long-awaited magnum opus, he theorizes the "parallax gap" in the ontological, the scienti...
Sex and the Failed Absolute
Žižek Slavoj
In the most rigorous articulation of his philosophical system to date, Slavoj Zizek provides nothing...
Too Late to Awaken. What Lies Ahead When There Is No Future?
Žižek Slavoj
The most provocative philosopher of our tim...
Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art
Zich Otakar
Otakar Zich’s Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art. Theoretical Dramaturgy
Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art
Zich Otakar
Otakar Zich’s Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art. Theoretical Dramaturgy
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Zevin Garielle
Zevin Gabrielle
From the acclaimed author of Sunday Times no. 1 bestseller Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, a Y...
Great Spas of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
Zeman Lubomír - Zatloukal Pavel
Lázně Čech, Moravy a Slezska svou bohatostí a různorodostí přírodních léč...
The Lesser Histories
Zábrana Jan
From the eighth floor of a tower block in Central Europe, Jan Zábrana surveyed the twentieth century...