The Cremator (paperback)
Fuks Ladislav
Groteskní novela Spalovač mrtvol (1967) je psychologickým dramatem, příběhem o muži, který sv...
Rambling On (paperback)
Hrabal Bohumil
Soubor Rukověť pábitelského učně obsahuje povídkovou tvorbu Bohumila Hrabala ze 70. let 20. s...
We Were a Handful (paperback)
Poláček Karel
Slavný český humoristický román o dobrodružstvích pěti chlapců z malého českého městečka je psán for...
Utopia. The Island of Nowhere
More Thomas
In Thomas More's hugely influential Utopia, a traveller recounts his discovery of an island nation i...
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived
Rutherford Adam
A dazzling tour of the latest genetic discoveries which are blurring the ...
Třebel 1647. A Battlefield of the Thyrty Years´ War from the
Matoušek Václav - Janata Tomáš
Kniha "Třebel 1647. A Battlefield of the Th...
Materializing Identities in Socialist and Post-Socialist Cities
Ira Jaroslav - Janáč Jiří (eds.)
Kolektivní monografie se zabývá tématem mat...
Essential Hemingway
Hemingway Ernest
It has been said of Ernest Hemingway that half the writers of the twentieth century have tried to im...
First Forty - Nine Stories
Hemingway Ernest
A collection of Hemingway's first forty-nine short stories, including "Up in Michigan", "Fifty Grand...
Farewell to Arms
Hemingway Ernst
In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war, to the war to end all wars. He volunteered for ambulance servi...
Dance Dance Dance
Murakami Haruki
High-class call girls billed to Mastercard. A psychic thirteen year-old drop-out with a passion for ...
Fahrenheit 451
Bradbury Ray
The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a s...
Sophie´s Choice
Styron William
In this ambitious bestseller (made into a major motion picture starring Meryl Streep), Styron tells ...
Brave New World
Huxley Aldous
With introductions by Margaret Atwood and David Bradshaw. Far in the future, the World Controllers h...
It (Film Tie In)
King Stephen
NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE - Stephen King's terrifying classic.'They float...and when you're down he...