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Třetí říše a rozklad Malé dohody

Třetí říše a rozklad Malé dohody

Hospodářství a diplomacie v Podunají v letech 1936–1939

Jančík, Drahomír

subjects: history – 20th century, political science and international relations

paperback, 271 pp., 1. edition
published: september 1999
ISBN: 80-7184-7003
recommended price: 355 czk



In this book the author describes the final part of the struggle for the shape of the inter-war economy and politics in Central Europe within 1936–1939. There were two struggling concepts: one based on West European democracies and the other formed by Adolph Hitler and Germany – "the big economic space". The author uses the end of the "Little Entente" to demonstrate the general limits of regionalism in the case of economic crisis or international conflict.