The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Murakami Haruki
Toru Okada's cat has disappeared and this has unsettled his wife, who is herself growing more distan...
První osoba jednotného čísla
Murakami Haruki
Od japonského vydání posledního románu Komturova smrt uběhly už více než čtyři roky. Haruki Murakami...
Killing Commendatore
Murakami Haruki
When a thirty-something portrait painter is abandoned by his wife, he holes up in the mountain home ...
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage
Murakami Haruki
This is a mesmerising mystery story about friendship from the internation...
Birthday Stories
Murakami Haruki
What will you get for your birthday this year? A chance to see into the future? Or a reminder of the...
After the Quake
Murakami Haruki
The economy was booming. People had more money than they knew what to do with. And then the earthqua...
A Wild Sheep Chase: the surreal, breakout detective novel,
Murakami Haruki
A beautifully packaged hardback edition of Haruki Murakami's brilliantly ...