Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 11th edition
Katzung Bertram G. - Masters Masters Masters Suzan B.
"This is the most widely used textbook for teaching pharmacology to healt...
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 15th edition
Katzung Bertram G. - Vanderah Todd W.
Master key pharmacological concepts and practices with the most comprehen...
Clinical Neurology & Neuroanatomy
Berkowitz Aaron L.
Clinical Neurology and Neuroanatomy provides a clear, logical discussion ...
Harper´s Illustrated Biochemistry, 31st Edition
Rodwell Victor W.
The best single reference for understanding the clinical relevance of any...
Harrisons Manual of Medicine, 20th ed.
Jameson Larry - Fauci Anthony S.
The Harrison's Manual, derived from most clinically salient content featu...
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21th ed., 2Vols SET
Loscalzo Joseph
The Voice of Clinical Reason Harrison's Pr...
Histology and Cell Biology. Examination & Board Review. Sixth Edition
Paulsen Douglas F.
Histology and Cell Biology is designed and ...
Pathophysiology of Disease, 8th edition
Hammer Garry D. - McPhee Stephen J.
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