The Village of Holašovice in the Context of South Bohemia 2nd ed.
Rural Architecture
Hájek Pavel
Národní památkový ústav 2018
brožovaná, 300 str.
ISBN 9788085033847
The Bohemian south is the epitome of the rural environment that retains a certain harmony more than other regions of the Czech Republic, based on the preservation of historic spatial pattern and the enduring natural sense for the symbiosis of architecture and landscape. The evidence is not only the seventy-one South Bohemian village conservation areas and protection zones, but also the inscription of Holašovice as a site on the UNESCO List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (by the registration decree of 5 December 1998). The catalogue of the exhibition that was published on the 20th anniversary of this inscription captures the complexity of South Bohemian rural architecture and introduces individual regions with their typical elements documented by specific preserved buildings.