The Spectres of Selfhood
The philosophy od Individualism in the Interwar Czechoslovakia
Chavalka Jakub
Filosofia 2021
brožovaná, 227 str.
ISBN 9788070076774
Individualismus jako pojem neměl v meziválečném Československu příliš dobré jméno. Přesto již u Masaryka a později třeba Peroutky zaznívá silný apel na úhelný kámen demokracie - osobnost. Záměrem publikace je ukázat, jak se u dnes méně známých, avšak ve své době kulturně a duchovně vlivných myslitelů pojednával problém utváření zdatné individuality a s jakými nesnázemi se u této klíčové otázky potýkali. Žádný z nich (snad kromě Ladislava Klímy) přitom nevyhlašoval individualismus za své filosofické východisko. Bližší pohled na jejich filosofii však poukazuje na souvztažnost "boje o individualitu" s bojem nově vzniklé republiky za sebeurčení. Koneckonců někteří z nich rozumějí národu či státu jako svébytnému individuu, třebaže hromadnému. Intence autorů bude naplněna, pomohou-li jednotlivé příspěvky k přesnějšímu pochopení toho, jak problém individuality formoval naše vlastní dějiny.
V angličtině.
Individualism as a concept did not have a very good reputation in the interwar Czechoslovakia. Yet, already Masaryk and later on Peroutka made a signifi cant appeal to the cornerstone of democracy - personality. The aim of the publication is to show how the thinkers with the biggest cultural and spiritual infl uence of the time dealt with the problem of creating a strong individuality, and what troubles they had to face. None of them (perhaps with the exception of Ladislav Klíma) declared individualism as the centre of their philosophical thinking. However, a closer look at their philosophy points to interconnectedness of the "struggle for individuality" with the struggle of the newly created Republic for its self-determination. After all, some of the thinkers understood nation or state as autonomous individual, albeit collective. The intentions of the authors of this collection of texts is to help better understand how the problem of individuality formed our own history.
V angličtině.
Individualism as a concept did not have a very good reputation in the interwar Czechoslovakia. Yet, already Masaryk and later on Peroutka made a signifi cant appeal to the cornerstone of democracy - personality. The aim of the publication is to show how the thinkers with the biggest cultural and spiritual infl uence of the time dealt with the problem of creating a strong individuality, and what troubles they had to face. None of them (perhaps with the exception of Ladislav Klíma) declared individualism as the centre of their philosophical thinking. However, a closer look at their philosophy points to interconnectedness of the "struggle for individuality" with the struggle of the newly created Republic for its self-determination. After all, some of the thinkers understood nation or state as autonomous individual, albeit collective. The intentions of the authors of this collection of texts is to help better understand how the problem of individuality formed our own history.