Gray´s Anatomy for Students Flash Cards 5th edition
Drake Richard L. - Vogl A. Wayne
Based on the acclaimed artwork found in Gray's Anatomy for Students and G...
Gray´s Anantomy for Students 5th ed.
Drake Richard L. - Vogl Wayne A.
Concise, readable text and an outstanding art program make Gray's Anatomy...
Oxford Handbook of Neonatology, 2nd Edition
Fox Grenville - Hoque Nicholas
Designed to meet the needs of all healthcare professionals involved in th...
Gartner & Hiatt's Atlas and Text of Histology
Gartner Leslie
Purchase of the new print edition of this LippincottR Connect title inclu...
MIMS' Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 6th edition
Goering Richard V. - Dockrell Dockrell Hazel M.
Learn all the microbiology and basic immunology concepts you need to know...
Guyton and Hall Physiology Review 4th Edition
Hall John E.
An ideal companion to the world's foremost physiology textbook, Guyton an...
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology,14th Ed.
Hall John E. - Hall Michael E.
Known for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on...
Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
Hall John E. - Hall Michael E.
Carry the same authoritative, useful knowle...
Pathophysiology of Disease, 8th edition
Hammer Garry D. - McPhee Stephen J.
Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the pub...
The ECG Made Easy 10th ed.
Hampton John - Hampton Joanna
The ECG Made Easy, hailed as a ‘medical classic' by the British Medical Journal, has reached its 50t...
Netter's Anatomy Coloring Book, 3th ed.
Hansen John T.
Reinforce your knowledge of structures, pathways, and relationships with ...
Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards 6th. ed.
Hansen John T.
Learn, review, and self-test with these bestselling flash cards! Fun, fas...
English for Pharmacy and Medical Bioanalytics
Havlíčková Ilona - Dostálová Šárka
Třetí vydání učebního textu, který je určen studentům Farmaceutické fakul...
Basics of Radiology
Heřman Miroslav
Tato kniha by měla sloužit jako základní učebnice radiologie pro zahraniční studenty lékařských faku...
Infectious Diseases
Hobstová Jiřina (ed.)
Devět let uběhlo od prvního vydání učebních textů infekčních nemocí pro zahraniční studenty lékařský...