Psychiatric Interview First Kit
Vevera Jan - Hudeček Jiří
Příručka pro anglicky mluvící studenty a pro české studenty mířící do zah...
Chapters of Medical Genetics for General Medicine Students
Vrtěl Radek - Procházka Martin
Skripta jsou určena především pro studenty všeobecného lékařství a pojedn...
Lippincot Illustrated Review: Pharmacology 8th ed.
Whalen Karen
tudents' favorite review resource for studying the essentials of medical ...
Instant Anatomy, 5th Edition
Whitaker Robert H. - Borley Neil R.
Instant Anatomy presents anatomy and anatomical relationships in a simple, unique, schematic manner ...
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
Wilkinson Ian B. - Raine Tim
Unique among medical texts, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a...
Challenges of Mass Methanol Poisoning Outbreaks
Zacharov Sergej
Tato monografie shrnuje poučení z české hromadné otravy metanolem se 137 ...
Challenges of Mass Methanol Poisoning Outbreaks
Zacharov Sergej
Tato monografie shrnuje poučení z české hromadné otravy metanolem se 137 ...
Conventional Full Denture Prosthodontics
Zicha Antonín
This textbook provides essential information about the principles and pro...
Conventional Full Denture Prosthodontics
Zicha Antonín
This textbook provides essential information about the principles and pro...
Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics 3rd edition
This new edition of the Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics is a compact, pock...
First Aid Manual 11th Edition
The only comprehensive and illustrated guide to first aid on the market The only manual endorsed by...