Guide to Basic Medical Terminology
Černý Karel
The Guide offers an introduction to Basic Medical Terminology on a level ...
Guyton and Hall Physiology Review 4th Edition
Hall John E.
An ideal companion to the world's foremost physiology textbook, Guyton an...
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology,14th Ed.
Hall John E. - Hall Michael E.
Known for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on...
Harper´s Illustrated Biochemistry, 31st Edition
Rodwell Victor W.
The best single reference for understanding the clinical relevance of any...
Harrisons Manual of Medicine, 20th ed.
Jameson Larry - Fauci Anthony S.
The Harrison's Manual, derived from most clinically salient content featu...
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21th ed., 2Vols SET
Loscalzo Joseph
The Voice of Clinical Reason Harrison's Pr...
Historia – Medicina – Cultura
Černý Karel - Svobodný Petr (ed.)
Publikace obsahuje 14 odborných studií věnujících se dějinám medicíny. Studie jsou chronologicky roz...
How to Practise Biological and Medical Genetics
Křenová Drahomíra - Otová Berta
Třetí vydání učebního textu, určeného anglicky hovořícím studentům lékařs...
Hygiene and Epidemiology
Bencko Vladimír et al.
Hygiena spolu s epidemiologií reprezentují integrální, biomedicínské základy veřejného zdravotnictví...
Infectious Diseases
Hobstová Jiřina (ed.)
Devět let uběhlo od prvního vydání učebních textů infekčních nemocí pro zahraniční studenty lékařský...
Instant Anatomy, 5th Edition
Whitaker Robert H. - Borley Neil R.
Instant Anatomy presents anatomy and anatomical relationships in a simple, unique, schematic manner ...
Introduction to Internal Medicine
Mlíková - Seidlerová Jitka
The book Introduction to Internal Medicine is a useful tool for the study...
Janeway's Immunobiology, 10th Edition
Murphy Kenneth - Weaver Casey
The gold standard, with the most up-to-date research and resources. Im...
Kumar & Clark´s Clinical Medicine 10th edition
Feather Adam - Randal David
Now in its tenth edition, Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine is fully upda...
Langman´s Medical Embryology 15th edition
Sadler T.W.
Vibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images, Langm...